Monday, February 2, 2009

When the door is closed, leave the boy alone.

Depending on your point of view, the internet has been to independent music what soap has been to personal hygiene, or what Hitler was to the Jews of Europe. To state the obvious the internet has allowed previously unknown talents to get their music heard by the masses, on the other hand this freedom has saturated the wires of the web with the most mundane swamp-pissed produced tracks imaginable. Thankfully, these two artists fall into the anti-bacterial category as it's some of the most sonically creative music I've heard in ages.

First up we have the Puff Daddy of Australian bedroom sampledom, or as he prefers to be called FAUX PAS (pictured). Unlike glitch technicians Faux Paus has a penchant for using very long samples and weaving his own wizardry around them, what comes out is a beautiful patchwork of sonic bliss. As a bonus his newest EP is available to download for free via his website here.

Faux Pas - Chasing Waterfalls.mp3

Secondly we have the California duo of Graveleaf. Their track The Crusade brings together Stallone's Rocky styled brass with the rave siren squelch of an early 90's heaving petting warehouse. Listen in a safe place with people you trust, this track just might set your shit on fire.

Graveleaf - The Crusade.mp3